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The stream handling routines

A single numeric expression is evaluated and the result, in the range 0..15 is stored
into 'STRM_NUM1'.

2AEF EXPT_#NR   RST  #28,NEXT_C          Advance CH_ADD.
2AF0 EXPT_#NR1  RST  #10,CALBAS          Evaluate stream number.
2AF1            DEFW #1C82,EXPT_1NUM
2AF3            RST  #30,SYNTAX_Z        Return if syntax is being checked.
2AF4            RET  Z
2AF5            PUSH AF
2AF6            RST  #10,CALBAS          Fetch the number.
2AF7            DEFW #1E94,FIND_INT1
2AF9            CP   16                  Give an error if it isn't in the range
2AFB            JP   NC,#1656,REP_9      0..15. ('Invalid station' ?)
2AFE            LD   (#3E03),A           Store stream number into 'STRM_NUM1'.
2B01            POP  AF
2B02            RET

A 'MOVE' command requires two sets of parameters, for the 'input' channel, and for the
'output' channel. These parameters are stored into the UFIA's.

2B03 MOVE       CALL #2BAD,EXPT_EXP1     Evaluate stream or channel expression.
2B06            CP   204,"TO"            The keyword 'TO' must be present,
2B08            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      give an error if 'TO' is missing.
2B0B            CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange the UFIA's.
2B0E            CALL #2BAD,EXPT_EXP1     Evaluate second stream or channel
2B11            CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange the UFIA's again.
2B14            CALL #3148,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit
                                         during syntax check.

The actual 'MOVE' command reads a byte from the source channel or stream, and then
writes it to the destination channel or stream. This is repeated until the first channel
or stream reports 'End Of File'. 'SIGN_2' is called to signal to the 'D_INPUT' routine at
#2EDC that the 'END of file' error isn't to be generated.

2B17            CALL #15FE,SIGN_2        See above.
2B1A            LD   A,191,"IN"          This is the keyword 'IN', it is used to
2B1C            LD   (#3E02),A           signal 'READ channel'.
2B1F            CALL #2BDA,OP_MOVE       Open the source channel/stream.
2B22            LD   HL,(23631)          Save (CHANS).
2B25            PUSH HL
2B26            LD   A,(#3E02)           Save 'DIR_DESCR1' into 'DIR_DESCR2'.
2B29            LD   (#3E1E),A
2B2C            CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange the UFIA's.
2B2F            LD   A,223,"OUT"         This is the keyword 'OUT'.
2B31            LD   (#3E02),A           Signal 'WRITE channel'.
2B34            LD   IX,#3AC3            Pointer to DFCA.
2B38            CALL #2BDA,OP_MOVE       Open the destination channel/stream.
2B3B            JR   NC,#2B49,MOVE_RUN1  Jump if opening was successfull. I.e.
                                         file was 'new' or 'old' file was
2B3D            LD   IX,(#3E1E)          Otherwise reclaim first channel (Second
2B41            CALL #2B9E,RECL_CHAN     wasn't opened so nothing to reclaim).
2B44            POP  HL                  Drop (CHANS) address.
2B45            POP  HL                  ?? Drop what?
2B46            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

2B49 MOVE_RUN1  CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange UFIA's again.

To my knowledge the instructions at #2B22, #2B25, #2B44 and from #2B4C to #2B58 aren't
needed with the +D. With IF1 the Microdrive maps are situated between 23734 (end of
Spectrum system variables) and (CHANS). The consequence of opening a new channel could be
the creating of a new map. I.e. the channel information could move up and then the source
channels address is to be recalculated. With the +D, however, nothing is situated between
23734 and (CHANS).

2B4C            POP  DE                  Retrieve 'old' (CHANS).
2B4D            LD   HL,(23631)          Fetch 'new' (CHANS).
2B50            OR   A                   Calculate the space which was inserted
2B51            SBC  HL,DE               under (CHANS).
2B53            LD   DE,(#3E05)          Adjust first channels address.
2B57            ADD  HL,DE
2B58            LD   (#3E05),HL
2B5B MOVE_RUN2  LD   HL,(#3E05)          Make 'current' the first channel.
2B5E            LD   (23633),HL          (CURCHL)
2B61 MOVE_RUN3  RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'INPUT_A' in the 'main' ROM to
2B62            DEFW #15E6,INPUT_A       read a byte.
2B64            JR   C,#2B6A,MOVE_RUN4   Jump with acceptable codes.
2B66            JR   Z,#2B61,MOVE_RUN3   Repeat if no byte read.
2B68            JR   #2B75,MOVE_RUN5     Jump if EOF has been reached.

An acceptable code has been found.

2B6A MOVE_RUN4  LD   HL,(#3E1E)          Make 'current' the 2nd channel.
2B6D            LD   (23633),HL          (CURCHL)
2B70            RST  #10,CALBAS          Use 'main' ROM 'PRINT_A_2' to send the
2B71            DEFW #15F2,PRINT_A_2     byte to the 2nd channel.
2B73            JR   #2B5B,MOVE_RUN2     Repeat until EOF.

EOF has been reached.

2B75 MOVE_RUN5  XOR  A                   Clear FLAGS3.
2B76            LD   (#3ACF),A
2B79            LD   HL,(23631)          Store current (CHANS).
2B7C            PUSH HL
2B7D            CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange the UFIA's.
2B80            CALL #2C12,CL_MOVE       Close the destination channel.
2B83            CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange the UFIA's again.

Again the instructions at address #2B79, #2B7C and from #2B86 to #2B92 aren't needed
with the +D.

2B86            POP  DE                  Restore initial address of CHANS.
2B87            LD   HL,(23631)          Fetch current (CHANS).
2B8A            OR   A                   Calculate the amount of bytes reclaimed
2B8B            SBC  HL,DE               after the deletion of the second
2B8D            LD   DE,(#3E05)          Calculate the new start address of the
2B91            ADD  HL,DE               first channel.
2B92            LD   (#3E05),HL          And store it.
2B95            CALL #2C12,CL_MOVE       Close the source channel.
2B98            CALL #2C28,RECL_TEMP     Reclaim temporary channels.
2B9B            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

This subroutine is used to reclaim the channel pointed to by IX.

2B9E RECL_CHAN  LD   C,(IX+9)            Fetch channel length.
2BA1            LD   B,(IX+10)
2BA4            PUSH BC
2BA5            PUSH IX                  Channel start to HL.
2BA7            POP  HL
2BA8            RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'RECLAIM_2' in the 'main' ROM to
2BA9            DEFW #19E8,RECLAIM_2     reclaim the channel.
2BAB            POP  BC
2BAC            RET

This subroutine is used to check the syntax of the 'MOVE' command. If the 'current'
character is a hash sign (#), then a stream number is evaluated. Otherwise a device
expression is evaluated.

2BAD EXPT_EXP1  RST  #28,NEXT_C          Advance CH_ADD.
2BAE            CP   35,"#"              Jump to 'EXPT_#_NR' to evaluate stream
2BB0            JP   Z,#2AEF,EXPT_#NR    number if character is a '#'.
2BB3 EXPT_EXP2  LD   (#3E04),A           Otherwise store device letter.
2BB6            AND  #DF                 Only capitals.
2BB8            CP   68,"D"              If device letter isn't "D" then
2BBA            CALL NZ,#25C2,MD_SYN1    evaluate microdrive syntax.
2BBD            CALL #25E2,EXPT_DEVN     Evaluate device number.
2BC0            CALL #25A2,SEPARATOR     If there is a separator exit via
2BC3            JP   Z,#2640,EXPT_FNAME  'EXP_F_NAME' to evaluate a filename.
2BC6            RST  #30,SYNTAX_Z
2BC7            RET  Z                   Return if checking syntax.
2BC8            PUSH AF
2BC9            LD   A,(#3E04)           Fetch device letter.
2BCC            AND  #DF                 Only capitals.
2BCE            CP   68,"D"              If the device is "D" or "M" then there
2BD0            JP   Z,#1648,REP_2       must be a name present. Give an error
2BD3            CP   77,"M"              if no name specified.
2BD5            JP   Z,#1648,REP_2
2BD8            POP  AF
2BD9            RET

This subroutine is used from the 'MOVE' command routine above to fetch the start address
of the channel attached to a stream, or to open a channel and fetch its start address.

2BDA OP_MOVE    LD   A,(#3E03)           Fetch stream number.
2BDD            INC  A                   Jump to open a temporary channel, i.e.
2BDE            JR   Z,#2BEB,OP_MOVE1    if the stream was nonexistent.
2BE0            DEC  A
2BE1            RST  #10,CALBAS          Open the channel attached to stream A.
2BE2            DEFW #1601,CHAN_OPEN
2BE4            LD   HL,(23633)          Store the channels address (CURCHL)
2BE7            LD   (#3E05),HL          into UFIA1.
2BEA            RET                      Return.

2BEB OP_MOVE1   LD   A,(#3E04)           Fetch device letter.
2BEE            AND  #DF                 Capitals only.
2BF0            CP   77,"M"
2BF2            JR   Z,#2BF8,OP_MOVE2    Jump if it's a "M".
2BF4            CP   68,"D"
2BF6            JR   NZ,#2C09,OP_MOVE3   Jump if it isn't a "D".
2BF8 OP_MOVE2   CALL #0702,TEST_DRV      Check if the drive is defined.
2BFB            CALL #2CDF,OP_TEMP_D     Open a temporary "D" channel.
2BFE            LD   A,(#3E05)           Save 'DIR_DESCR1' into 'PROG_NUM1'.
2C01            LD   (#3E02),A
2C04            LD   (#3E05),IX          Store channels address.
2C08            RET

2C09 OP_MOVE3   CP   78,"N"
2C0B            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      Give an error if device isn't "N".
2C0E            CALL #1603,SIGN_3        Otherwise signal 'using network'.
2C11            RET

This is the opposite subroutine of the preceeding one, and is used to CLOSE the channel
used by the 'MOVE' command routine. If 'STRM_NUM1' denotes that a stream was used,
nothing is done.

2C12 CL_MOVE    LD   A,(#3E03)           Fetch stream number.
2C15            INC  A
2C16            RET  NZ                  Return if a stream has been used.
2C17            LD   A,(#3E04)           Otherwise fetch device letter.
2C1A            AND  #DF                 Only capitals.
2C1C            CP   78,"N"
2C1E            JR   Z,#2C27,CL_MOVE1    Jump if it was "N".
2C20            LD   IX,(#3E05)          Fetch channel address.
2C24            JP   #2C57,CLOSE_CHAN    Close the channel and exit.

This subroutine is called to reclaim from the CHANS all 'temporary' channels (i.e. with
bit 7 of the channel specifier set).

2C28 RECL_TEMP  LD   IX,(23631)          Point to the start of the channel area.
2C2C            LD   DE,20               IX now points to the first
2C2F            ADD  IX,DE               'non-standard' channel.
2C31 RECL_T1    LD   A,(IX+0)
2C34            CP   128                 Return if the end marker was found,
2C36            RET  Z                   i.e. there are no more channels.
2C37            LD   A,(IX+4)            Fetch channel specifier.
2C3A            CP   196,"D"+128
2C3C            JR   NZ,#2C43,RECL_T2    Jump if not a temporary "D" channel.
2C3E            CALL #2C57,CLOSE_CHAN
2C41            JR   #2C28,RECL_TEMP

Permanent "D" channels mustn't be closed, except when 'CLEAR #' was given.

2C43 RECL_T2    CALL #1621,TEST_1
2C46            JR   Z,#2C4D,RECL_T3     Jump if not 'CLEAR # executing'.
2C48            CALL #2B9E,RECL_CHAN     Otherwise reclaim the channel.
2C4B            JR   #2C28,RECL_TEMP

Skip this channel.

2C4D RECL_T3    LD   E,(IX+9)            Fetch channel length.
2C50            LD   D,(IX+10)
2C53            ADD  IX,DE               Point to the next channel.
2C55            JR   #2C31,RECL_T1       Repeat for all channels.

This subroutine closes the channel pointed to by IX.

2C59            POP  HL
2C5A            LD   DE,(23631)          (CHANS).
2C5E            OR   A
2C5F            SBC  HL,DE               Calculate channel offset.
2C61            INC  HL
2C62            LD   (#3DED),HL          The channel is CLOSEd by jumping into
2C65            JP   #2E80,CLOSE_0       the 'CLOSE' routine

This routine deals with the 'OPEN #' command concerning +D channels, Spectrum channels
are handled by the 'main' ROM.

2C68 OPEN       CALL #2AEF,EXPT_#NR      Evaluate stream number.
2C6B            CALL #25A2,SEPARATOR
2C6E            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      Give an error if no separator found.
2C71            CALL #2BB3,EXPT_EXP2     Evaluate channel specifier.
2C74            CP   13
2C76            JR   Z,#2C85,OPEN_2      Jump if no more parameters.
2C78            CP   191,"IN"
2C7A            JR   Z,#2C81,OPEN_1      Jump if 'IN' specified.
2C7C            CP   223,"OUT"
2C7E            JP   NZ,#1648,REP_2      Give error if no 'OUT' specified.
2C81 OPEN_1     LD   (#3E02),A           Store the channel type (IN or OUT) in
2C84            RST  #28,NEXT_C          Advance CH_ADD.
2C85 OPEN_2     CALL #3148,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit
                                         during syntax checking.
2C88            LD   A,(#3E03)           Fetch stream number.
2C8B            RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'main' ROM 'STR_DATA1' routine; on
2C8C            DEFW #1727,STR_DATA1     exit, BC holds 'stream data'.
2C8E            LD   HL,17
2C91            AND  A
2C92            SBC  HL,BC               Give an error if the current stream was
2C94            JP   C,#1680,REP_30      already used by the +D.
2C97            LD   A,(#3E04)           Fetch channel specifier.
2C9A            AND  #DF                 Only capitals.
2C9C            CP   68,"D"
2C9E            JR   Z,#2CA5,OPEN_3      Jump if opening a "D" channel.
2CA0            CP   77,"M"              Give an error if not opening a "M"
2CA2            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      channel.
2CA5 OPEN_3     CALL #0702,TEST_DRV      See if the drive is defined.
2CA8            LD   A,#0A               Signal 'OPENTYPE file'.
2CAA            LD   (#3E05),A
2CAD            CALL #2CB3,OPEN_CHAN     Open the channel.
2CB0            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

This is the actual OPEN routine referred to the "D" channel.

2CB3 OPEN_CHAN  LD   A,(#3E03)           Fetch stream number.
2CB6            ADD  A,A                 The streams area entries are two bytes
2CB7            LD   HL,23574            Address of data for stream 0.
2CBA            LD   E,A
2CBB            LD   D,0
2CBD            ADD  HL,DE               Index into STRMS area.
2CBE            PUSH HL
2CBF            CALL #2CDF,OP_TEMP_D     Open a temporary "D" channel. On return
2CC2            POP  DE                  HL holds new channel offset.
2CC3            RET  C                   Return when an error occurred.
2CC4            BIT  0,(IX+12)
2CC8            JR   Z,#2CD6,MAKE_PERM   Jump if this is a 'read' file.
2CCA            IN   A,(227)             Read Floppy Disk Controller status.
2CCC            BIT  6,A                 Test the 'write protect' bit.
2CCE            JR   Z,#2CD6,MAKE_PERM   Jump if disk isn't write protected.

NOTE: This doesn't work, the write protect bit of the FDC's status register is not
adjusted with read commands. So the jump is always made.

2CD0            CALL #2B9E,RECL_CHAN     Otherwise reclaim the channel.
2CD3            JP   #1672,REP_23        And give an error.
2CD6 MAKE_PERM  RES  7,(IX+4)            Make the channel permanent by resetting
                                         bit 7 of the channel specifier.
2CDA            EX   DE,HL               DE holds new channel offset.
2CDB            LD   (HL),E              Store it into the STRMS area.
2CDC            INC  HL
2CDD            LD   (HL),D
2CDE            RET                      Finished.

This subroutine is used to open a temporary "D" channel in the CHANS area.

2CDF OP_TEMP_D  LD   IX,(23631)          Start of channel area (CHANS).
2CE3            LD   DE,20               Point to the first 'non-standard'
2CE6            ADD  IX,DE               channel.
2CE8 OP_TEMP1   LD   A,(IX+0)
2CEB            CP   128
2CED            JR   Z,#2D24,OP_TEMP4    Jump if end of CHANS area is reached.
2CEF            LD   A,(IX+4)            Otherwise fetch channel specifier.
2CF2            AND  #5F                 Clear bit 7 and make capital.
2CF4            CP   68,"D"
2CF6            JR   NZ,#2D1A,OP_TEMP3   Jump if this isn't a "D" channel.
2CF8            LD   A,(#3E01)           Fetch drive number.
2CFB            CP   (IX+11)             Jump if this channel uses a different
2CFE            JR   NZ,#2D1A,OP_TEMP3   drive.
2D00            PUSH IX
2D02            POP  HL                  Start of channel to HL.
2D03            LD   DE,20               Filename offset.
2D06            ADD  HL,DE
2D07            EX   DE,HL               DE points to the name of this channel.
2D08            LD   HL,#3E06            HL points to the name of the channel to
2D0B            LD   B,10                be opened.
2D0D OP_TEMP2   LD   A,(DE)
2D0E            XOR  (HL)
2D0F            AND  #DF                 Capitalize.
2D11            JR   NZ,#2D1A,OP_TEMP3   Jump if not the same file.
2D13            INC  HL
2D14            INC  DE
2D15            DJNZ #2D0D,OP_TEMP2      Repeat for all 10 characters.
2D17            JP   #1682,REP_31        Give an error if the channel already
2D1A OP_TEMP3   LD   E,(IX+9)            Fetch the length of the channel.
2D1D            LD   D,(IX+10)
2D20            ADD  IX,DE               Point to the next channel.
2D22            JR   #2CE8,OP_TEMP1      Repeat for all channels.

The channel wasn't already present in memory so it can be opened.

2D26            LD   A,%0001000          Scan the CATalogue for a matching
2D28            CALL #09A5,SCAN_CAT      filename.
2D2B            LD   A,(#3E02)           Get channel type (read/write).
2D2E            JP   NZ,#2D8A,OP_TEMP5   Jump if file not found.
2D31            CP   223,"OUT"
2D33            JP   Z,#312A,OP_T_PATCH  Jump if OUTput channel.
2D36            LD   BC,551              Length of INput channel.
2D39            CALL #2DF3,CHAN_SPC      Create the room for the channel.
2D3C            CALL #0D93,RPT_HL        Make HL point to the CAT entry.
2D3F            POP  IX
2D41            CALL #0702,TEST_DRV      See if the drive is defined.
2D44            NOP
2D45            NOP
2D46            NOP
2D47            LD   A,0                 Signal 'READing'.
2D49            LD   (IX+12),A
2D4C            LD   BC,39               Offset of buffer from start of channel.
2D4F            LD   (IX+15),C
2D52            LD   (IX+16),B
2D55            PUSH HL                  HL points to the CATalogue entry.
2D56            PUSH IX                  IX points to the start of the channel.
2D58            POP  HL
2D59            LD   DE,19               Offset of directory description.
2D5C            ADD  HL,DE
2D5D            EX   DE,HL
2D5E            POP  HL                  Pointer to CAT entry.
2D5F            LD   BC,11               Move the directory description and the
2D62            LD   A,(HL)              filename to the channel.
2D63            LD   (#3E05),A           Store dir. descr. in UFIA1.
2D66            LDIR
2D68            INC  HL                  Skip length in sectors, i.e. point to
2D69            INC  HL                  track and sector bytes.
2D6A            LD   B,(HL)              Fetch first track and sector.
2D6B            INC  HL
2D6C            LD   C,(HL)
2D6D            PUSH BC
2D6E            LD   BC,196
2D71            ADD  HL,BC               HL points to file header - 1 in CAT
2D72            LD   A,(HL)              entry. That is the MSB of the file
2D73            LD   (IX+18),A           length (number of 64K blocks).
2D76            INC  HL
2D77            LD   BC,9
2D7A            LDIR                     Copy the file header to the channel.
2D7C            LD   DE,#3FEA
2D7F            LD   BC,22               Copy the SNAP registers (?).
2D82            LDIR
2D84            POP  DE                  Get track and sector in DE.
2D85            CALL #05CC,RSAD          Load the sector at DE.
2D88            JR   #2DDC,OP_TEMP8

The file was not found, so if the channel isn't for OUTput give an error.

2D8A OP_TEMP5   CP   191,"IN"
2D8C            JP   Z,#1678,REP_26      Give error if it is an INput channel.
2D8F OP_TEMP6   LD   BC,787              Length of OUTput channel.
2D92            CALL #2DF3,CHAN_SPC      Create the room for the channel.
2D95            POP  IX
2D97            CALL #0702,TEST_DRV      See if the drive is defined.
2D9A            NOP
2D9B            NOP
2D9C            NOP
2D9D            LD   A,1                 Signal 'WRITEing'.
2D9F            LD   (IX+12),A
2DA2            LD   BC,275              Offset of databuffer from the start of
2DA5            LD   (IX+15),C           the channel.
2DA8            LD   (IX+16),B
2DAB            CALL #0AD9,OFSM_2        Open the file.
2DAE            JR   Z,#2DBB,OP_TEMP7    Jump if file doesn't exist (anymore).
2DB0            LD   BC,787              Length of an OUTput channel.
2DB3            PUSH IX                  Start of the channel to HL.
2DB5            POP  HL
2DB6            RST  #10,CALBAS          Reclaim the channel.
2DB7            DEFW #19E8,RECLAIM_2
2DB9            SCF                      Signal 'error'.
2DBA            RET                      Finished.

2DBB OP_TEMP7   JP   #2DDC,OP_TEMP8      Jump forward.

Before the routine continues there are first some 'leftovers' from a earlier system

2DBE            JR   Z,#2DDC,OP_TEMP8
2DC0            PUSH IX
2DC2            POP  HL
2DC3            LD   DE,230
2DC6            ADD  HL,DE
2DC7            EX   DE,HL
2DC8            LD   HL,(#3E1E)
2DCB            LD   BC,30
2DCE            ADD  HL,BC
2DCF            LD   BC,9
2DD2            LDIR
2DD4            LD   HL,#3FEA
2DD7            LD   BC,20
2DDA            LDIR

Now continue with the 'OPEN a temporary "D" channel' routine.

2DDE            POP  DE                  Start of channel to DE.
2DDF            LD   HL,#2E0B,D_CH_DATA  Start of the "D" channel data.
2DE2            LD   BC,11               Copy the 11 bytes channel data to the
2DE5            LDIR                     channel area.
2DE7            PUSH IX                  Start of channel to HL.
2DE9            POP  HL
2DEA            LD   DE,(23631)          HL-(CHANS)+1 gives the required 'stream
2DEE            OR   A                   offset'.
2DEF            SBC  HL,DE
2DF1            INC  HL
2DF2            RET                      Finished.

This small subroutine creates room for a channel at the end of the CHANS area (i.e. just
before the BASIC program).

2DF3 CHAN_SPC   LD   (#2E14),BC          Store the length of the channel into
                                         the "D" channel data table.
2DF7            LD   HL,(23635)          Fetch the start address of the channel
2DFA            DEC  HL                  ((PROG)-1).
2DFB            PUSH HL
2DFC            PUSH BC
2DFD            RST  #10,CALBAS          Create the required space by calling
2DFE            DEFW #1655,MAKE_ROOM     'main' ROM 'MAKE_ROOM'.
2E00            POP  BC
2E01            POP  HL                  Clear the created space.
2E02 CHAN_SPC1  LD   (HL),0
2E04            INC  HL
2E05            DEC  BC
2E06            LD   A,B
2E07            OR   C
2E08            JR   NZ,#2E02,CHAN_SPC1
2E0A            RET

The '11' bytes that compose the initial part of a "D" channel are as follows:

2E0B D_CH_DATA  DEFW #0008               Main ROM 'output' routine.
2E0D            DEFW #0008               Main ROM 'input' routine.
2E0F            DEFB "D"+128             Channel specifier.
2E10            DEFW #2F5F,DCHAN_OUT     +D system 'output' routine.
2E12            DEFW #2EDC,D_INPUT       +D system 'input' routine.
2E14            DEFW #0000               Length of a channel.

Unlike the Interface 1 and the Opus Discovery, the +D doesn't page-in in the middle of
the 'main' ROM 'CLOSE' routine. But because the 'main' ROM routine can't cope with +D
channels a 'CLOSE' for those channels has to be available. In order to fail the normal
syntax, 'CLOSE #*s' has to be used. The 'CLOSE #*' command closes all streams.

2E16 CLOSE      RST  #28,NEXT_C          Next character.
2E17            CP   42,"*"
2E19            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      Give an error if it isn't a '*'.
2E1C            RST  #28,NEXT_C          Next character.
2E1D            CP   13
2E1F            JR   Z,#2E34,CLOSE_ALL   Jump if statement ended with ENTER.
2E21            CP   58,":"
2E23            JR   Z,#2E34,CLOSE_ALL   Also if statement ended with a ':'.
2E25            CALL #2AF0,EXPT_#NR1     Evaluate stream number.
2E28            CALL #3148,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit when
                                         syntax checking.
2E2B            LD   A,(#3E03)           Fetch stream number.
2E2E            CALL #2E5E,CLOSE_STRM    Close the stream.
2E31            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

2E34 CLOSE_ALL  CALL #3148,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit if
2E37            JR   #2E46,CLEAR_1       syntax checking. Jump into the CLEAR#

All streams are closed in turn, with bit 1 of FLAGS3 set to signal that the remaining
buffer contents are to be erased (with the 'CLOSE #*' command all buffers are emptied,
i.e. their contents are sent to the corresponding device).

2E39 CLEAR      RST  #28,NEXT_C          Advance CH_ADD.
2E3A            CP   35,"#"
2E3C            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      Give an error if it isn't a '#'.
2E3F            RST  #28,NEXT_C
2E40            CALL #3148,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit
                                         during syntax checking.
2E43            CALL #15F9,SIGN_1        Signal 'CLEAR #'.
2E46 CLEAR_1    XOR  A                   Start with stream 0.
2E48            CALL #2E5E,CLOSE_STRM    Close this stream.
2E4B            POP  AF
2E4C            INC  A                   Next stream.
2E4D            CP   16                  Repeat until all streams 0..15 have
2E4F            JR   C,#2E47,CLEAR_2     been CLOSEd.
2E51            CALL #2C28,RECL_TEMP     Reclaim temporary channels.
2E54            XOR  A
2E55            LD   (#3DEF),A           Clear 'MAP_USED' (=POKE @7663,0).
2E58            LD   (#3ACF),A           Clear FLAGS3.
2E5B            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

Any stream 0 to 15 may be CLOSEd by loading the stream number into A and then calling
this subroutine. The unsent bytes in 'OUTput' files are sent or lost depending upon
whether bit 1 of FLAGS3 is reset or set. First a call to 'STR_DATA1' in the 'main' ROM is
made to fetch into BC the 'stream data' for the given stream, and to make HL point to the
first of the two data bytes.

2E5E CLOSE_STRM RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'STR_DATA1'.
2E5F            DEFW #1727,STR_DATA1
2E61            LD   A,C
2E62            OR   B                   Return if the stream is already CLOSEd
2E63            RET  Z                   (i.e. stream data = 0).
2E64            LD   (#3DED),BC          Store stream data.
2E68            PUSH HL
2E69            LD   HL,(23631)          Make HL point to the start of the
2E6C            DEC  HL                  channel attached to the stream to be
2E6D            ADD  HL,BC               CLOSEd ((CHANS)+'stream data').
2E6E            EX   (SP),HL             HL now holds the address of the stream
2E6F            RST  #10,CALBAS          A call in the middle of the 'main' ROM
2E70            DEFW #16EB,CLOSE_0       'CLOSE' routine is made to update STRMS
2E72            POP  IX                  IX points to the start of the channel
2E74            LD   A,B                 to be removed.
2E75            OR   C
2E76            RET  NZ                  Exit if the stream is one of 0 to 3.

NOTE: Because this test tests for streams a disk channel attached to one of the streams
0..3 can never be CLOSEd. If the test was made for 'standard' channels it had been possible to
use streams 0..3 with "D" channels.

2E77            LD   A,(IX+4)            Fetch channel specifier.
2E7A            AND  #5F                 Clear bit 7 (temporary) and make
2E7C            CP   68,"D"
2E7E            JR   NZ,#2E8E,CLOSE_1    Jump if it isn't a "D" channel.
2E80 CLOSE_0    BIT  0,(IX+12)
2E84            JR   Z,#2E8E,CLOSE_1     Jump if it is an 'INput' channel.
2E86            CALL #1621,TEST_1        Jump if doing a 'CLEAR #', i.e. just
2E89            JR   NZ,#2E8E,CLOSE_1    remove the channel.
2E8B            CALL #3117,CL_PATCH      Empty the buffer.
2E8E CLOSE_1    CALL #2B9E,RECL_CHAN     Reclaim the channel.

Now all data refering to the stream attached to the channels moved down are updated.

2E91            XOR  A                   Start with stream 0.
2E92            LD   HL,23574            Address of data for stream 0.
2E95 CLOSE_2    LD   (#3AC8),HL          Use 'FILE_ADDR' as a temporary storage.
2E98            LD   E,(HL)              Fetch stream data.
2E99            INC  HL
2E9A            LD   D,(HL)
2E9B            LD   HL,(#3DED)          Fetch stream data for CLOSEd stream.
2E9E            AND  A                   Jump if the stream data found is lower
2E9F            SBC  HL,DE               than that of the CLOSEd stream (i.e.
2EA1            JR   NC,#2EAE,CLOSE_3    channel has not been moved).
2EA3            EX   DE,HL               Fetched stream data to HL.
2EA4            AND  A
2EA5            SBC  HL,BC               Calculate the new stream data.
2EA7            EX   DE,HL               New stream data to DE.
2EA8            LD   HL,(#3AC8)          Restore stream data address.
2EAB            LD   (HL),E              Store new stream data.
2EAC            INC  HL
2EAD            LD   (HL),D
2EAE CLOSE_3    LD   HL,(#3AC8)          Make HL point to next stream data.
2EB1            INC  HL
2EB2            INC  HL
2EB3            INC  A                   Increment stream number.
2EB4            CP   16
2EB6            JR   C,#2E95,CLOSE_2     Repeat for all streams 0..15.
2EB8            RET                      Finished.

The 'CLS #' command resets during runtime the Spectrum system variables ATTR_P, ATTR_T,
MASK_P, MASK_T, P_FLAG and BORDCR. I.e. all these variables are filled with their
'initial' values (paper 7, ink 0, flash 0 and bright 0).

2EB9 CLS        RST  #28,NEXT_C          Next character.
2EBA            CP   35,"#"
2EBC            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      Give error if it isn't a '#'.
2EBF            RST  #28,NEXT_C          Next character.
2EC0            CALL #3148,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit
                                         during syntax checking.
2EC3            LD   HL,56               The 'initial' attribute value.
2EC6            LD   (23693),HL          Store 56 into ATTR_P, clear MASK_P.
2EC9            LD   (23695),HL          Store 56 into ATTR_T, clear MASK_T.
2ECC            LD   (IY+14),L           Store 56 also for lower screen
2ECF            LD   (IY+87),H           Clear P_FLAG.
2ED2            LD   A,7                 Set white border.
2ED4            OUT  (254),A
2ED6            RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'main' ROM 'CLS' routine.
2ED7            DEFW #0D6B,CLS
2ED9            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

This is a peculiar routine, although the +D supports only one type of channel (the "D"
channel), this routine can handle all kinds of channels by loading HL with the address of
the 'service' input routine and entering at address #2EE3. From that address on it's
largely the same as the Interface 1 'CALL_INP' routine, which routine handles all the
IF1's channels.

2EDC D_INPUT    LD   IX,(23633)          IX points to the start of the current
                                         channel (CURCHL).
2EE0            LD   HL,#2F2E,DCHAN_IN   Address of "D" input service routine.
2EE3            RES  3,(IY+2)            Signal 'the mode is to be considered as
                                         being unchanged'.
2EE7            PUSH HL                  Store address of service routine.
2EE8            LD   HL,(23613)          HL points to error address (ERR_SP).
2EEB            LD   E,(HL)              Fetch the error address.
2EEC            INC  HL
2EED            LD   D,(HL)
2EEE            AND  A
2EEF            LD   HL,#107F,ED_ERROR   If the error address is 'ED_ERROR'
2EF2            SBC  HL,DE               ('main' ROM) then an INPUT command was
2EF4            JR   NZ,#2F1D,D_INKEY$   used. Jump if unequal to 'ED_ERROR'.

Now deal with an 'INPUT #' command referred to a "D" channel.

2EF6            POP  HL                  Restore address of service routine.
2EF7            LD   SP,(23613)          Clear the machine stack (ERR_SP).
2EFB            POP  DE                  Remove 'ED_ERROR'.
2EFC            POP  DE
2EFD            LD   (23613),DE          Restore the old value of ERR_SP.
2F01 D_INPUT1   PUSH HL                  Store address of service routine.
2F02            LD   DE,#2F07,D_INP_END  Return address is 'D_INP_END' below.
2F05            PUSH DE
2F06            JP   (HL)                Jump to the service routine.

When the byte has been read from the required channel, a return is made here to add the
byte to the INPUT line, or to return if the byte is equal to CHR$ 13, i.e. ENTER.

2F07 D_INP_END  JR   C,#2F0F,D_INP_ACC   Jump with acceptable codes.
2F09            JP   NZ,#167A,REP_27     Give the 'END of file' error when the
                                         Zero flag is reset.
2F0C            POP  HL                  Otherwise restore address of service
2F0D            JR   #2F01,D_INPUT1      routine and try again.

2F0F D_INP_ACC  CP   13
2F11            JR   Z,#2F19,D_INPUT2    Jump if the code is ENTER.
2F13            RST  #10,CALBAS          Otherwise the byte is to be added to
2F14            DEFW #0F85,ADD_CHAR0     the INPUT line. This is done by calling
                                         into the 'ADD_CHAR' subroutine.
2F16            POP  HL                  Restore address of service routine and
2F17            JR   #2F01,D_INPUT1      read the next byte.

2F19 D_INPUT2   POP  HL                  Drop the address of the service routine
2F1A            JP   #0050,UNPAGE_1      and page-out the +D system.

Now deal with the reading of a single byte.

2F1D D_INKEY$   POP  HL                  Restore address of the servce routine.
2F1E            LD   DE,#2F23,D_INK$_END Return address is 'D_INK$_END' below.
2F21            PUSH DE
2F22            JP   (HL)                Jump to the service routine.

2F23 D_INK$_END RET  C                   Return with acceptable codes or
2F24            RET  Z                   with no byte read.
2F25            CALL #1626,TEST_2        Give the 'END of file' error if not
2F28            JP   Z,#167A,REP_27      executing a 'MOVE' command.
2F2B            OR   1                   Otherwise return with Zero and Carry
2F2D            RET                      flags both reset.

This is the actual input a byte from disk routine. The byte is read from the data buffer
in the channel, when it is empty the next sector is read from disk (provided that the
'current' data block is not the EOF one) before reading the byte.

2F2E DCHAN_IN   BIT  0,(IX+12)           Give 'Reading a WRITE file' error if
2F32            JP   NZ,#1668,REP_18     it's an OUTput channel.
2F35            LD   A,(IX+31)           Decrease LSB of file length.
2F38            SUB  1
2F3A            LD   (IX+31),A
2F3D            JR   NC,#2F57,DCHAN_IN1  Jump if more bytes left.
2F3F            LD   A,(IX+32)           Decrease MID byte of file length.
2F42            SUB  1
2F44            LD   (IX+32),A
2F47            JR   NC,#2F57,DCHAN_IN1  Jump if more bytes left.
2F49            LD   A,(IX+18)           Decrease MSB of file length.
2F4C            SUB  1
2F4E            LD   (IX+18),A
2F51            JR   NC,#2F57,DCHAN_IN1  Jump if more bytes left.
2F53            XOR  A                   Otherwise EOF has been reached, so
                                         reset Zero and Carry flag to signal
                                         'End Of File'.
2F54            ADD  A,13                The return byte is 13.
2F56            RET                      Finished.

NOTE: This 'end of file' test works only once, if an attempt is made to read more bytes
after the 'End of FILE' message has been given a crash will almost certainly follow.

2F57 D_CHANIN1  CALL #077F,LBYT          Load one byte, read a new sector from
                                         disk when the buffer is empty.
2F5A            CALL #168E,BORD_REST     Restore border colour.
2F5D            SCF                      Signal 'acceptable code'.
2F5E            RET

The routine which handles "D" channel output is quite short. It SAVEs the byte in the A
register to disk by calling the ROM 'SBYT' routine, which handles the saving of the byte.
The only thing done here is incrementing the file length bytes.

2F5F DCHAN_OUT  LD   IX,(23633)          IX point to current channel (CURCHL).
2F63            BIT  0,(IX+12)           Give 'Writing a READ file' error if
2F67            JP   Z,#166A,REP_19      it's an INput channel.
2F6A            CALL #0761,SBYT          Save the byte in the A register.
2F6D            CALL #168E,BORD_REST     Restore the border colour.
2F70            NOP
2F71            NOP
2F72            NOP
2F73            NOP
2F74            PUSH IX
2F76            LD   BC,229
2F79            ADD  IX,BC               IX now points to the file header.
2F7B            INC  (IX+2)              Update file length, skip higher bytes
2F7E            JR   NZ,#2F88,DCHAN_OUT1 if it isn't necessary to update them.
2F80            INC  (IX+3)
2F83            JR   NZ,#2F88,DCHAN_OUT1
2F85            INC  (IX+0)
2F8A            RET                      Finished.

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