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The BASIC command execution routines II 

This routine loads DE with track and sector number from the file header, where they were
stored by the 'EXPT_PARMS' subroutine. Used with LOAD/SAVE @.

2870 GET_TR&SE  LD   A,(#3E11)           Get track from LSB of LENGTH1_1.
2873            LD   D,A
2874            LD   A,(#3E13)           Get sector from LSB of FILE_ADDR1.
2877            LD   E,A
2878            RET

This subroutine SAVEs the 9 bytes header from UFIA 1 to the file and to the catalogue
entry which is build up in the DFCA.

2879 SAVE_HEAD1 LD   HL,#3E10            Start of header 1.
287C            LD   DE,#3BA9            Address of header area of a catalogue
287F            LD   B,9                 The headers length.
2881 SAVE_H11   LD   A,(HL)
2882            LD   (DE),A
2883            CALL #0761,SBYT          Save the byte to the file.
2886            INC  HL
2887            INC  DE
2888            DJNZ #2881,SAVE_H11      Repeat for all nine bytes.
288A            RET                      Finished.

This routine checks that the SAVE command has the appropriate syntax.

288B SAVE       LD   IX,#3AC3            Pointer to the DFCA.
288F            CALL #160D,SIGN_5        Signal 'SAVEing'.
2892            CALL #2665,EXPT_PARMS    Evaluate & store all parameters.
2895            CALL #0702,TEST_DRV      See if the drive is defined.
2898            LD   A,(#3E04)
289B            CP   64,"@"
289D            JR   NZ,#28AF,SAVE_RUN   Jump if the command wasn't 'SAVE @'.
289F            LD   IX,(#3E15)          Get address where sector is to be saved
28A3            CALL #2870,GET_TR&SE     from. Get track and sector number.
28A6            LD   A,(#3E01)           Get drive number.
28A9            CALL #2FF2,HWSAD         Write the sector.
28AC            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

This routine SAVEs the specified file on the specified drive.

28AF SAVE_RUN   CALL #0AD9,OFSM_2        Open the file for 'SAVE'.
28B2            JP   NZ,#254E,ERASE_EXIT Exit if the file isn't to be
28B5            LD   A,(#3E05)
28B8            CP   11                  Pass the header to the file unless it's
28BA            CALL NZ,#2879,SAVE_HEAD1 an 'execute' file.
28BD            LD   HL,(#3E13)          Fetch the start address.
28C0            LD   DE,(#3E11)          Fetch the length.
28C4            CALL #0850,HSVBK_2       Save the block.
28C7            CALL #0B89,CFSM          Close the file.
28CA            JP   #254E,ERASE_EXIT    Exit via 'ERASE_EXIT'.

This subroutine LOADs a 9 bytes header into UFIA 2.

28CD LOAD_HEAD2 LD   HL,#3E29            Start of HEADER 2.
28D0            LD   B,9                 Length of a header.
28D2 LOAD_H21   CALL #077F,LBYT          Load a byte.
28D5            LD   (HL),A              Store it into UFIA 2.
28D6            INC  HL
28D7            DJNZ #28D2,LOAD_H21      Repeat for all header bytes.
28D9            RET

The 'LOAD' flag is set and the routine continues into the 'LOAD_VERIFY_MERGE' routine

28DA LOAD       CALL #1608,SIGN_4        Signal 'LOADing'.
28DD            JR   #28E7,LD_VF_MR

The 'VERIFY' flag is set and again the 'LOAD_VERIFY_MERGE' routine handles the rest.

28DF VERIFY     CALL #1617,SIGN_7        Signal 'VERIFYing'.
28E2            JR   #28E7,LD_VF_MR

The 'MERGE' flag is set and 'LOAD_VERIFY_MERGE' continues the syntax checking.

28E4 MERGE      CALL #1612,SIGN_6        Signal 'MERGEing'.

This routine checks the syntax of the LOAD, VERIFY and MERGE commands and executes it.

28E7 LD_VF_MR   LD   IX,#3AC3            Pointer to DFCA.
28EB            CALL #2665,EXPT_PARMS    Evaluate & store all parameters.
28EE LD_VF_MR1  CALL #0702,TEST_DRV      See if the drive is defined.
28F1            LD   A,(#3E04)
28F4            CP   64,"@"
28F6            JR   NZ,#2908,LD_ETC_RUN Jump if it wasn't a '@' command.
28F8            LD   IX,(#3E15)          Get address where sector is to be
28FC            CALL #2870,GET_TR&SE     loaded. Get track and sector number.
28FF            LD   A,(#3E01)           Get drive number.
2902            CALL #2FD4,HRSAD         Load the sector.
2905            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

The routine continues here when a file is to be LOADed from disk.

2908 LD_ETC_RUN CALL #0BCF,HGFLE_2       Open the file for loading.
290B            LD   A,(#3E05)
290E            CP   5
2910            JR   NZ,#2921,LD_ETC_R1  Jump if it isn't a 'Snapshot 48K'.
2912            LD   SP,#3FEA            Use internal stack.
2915            LD   HL,16384            Start address and length of a 48K Snap.
2918            LD   DE,49152
291B            CALL #079E,LOAD_FILE     Load the file.
 291E            JP   #00B1,SNAP_EXIT     Exit via 'SNAP_EXIT'.

2921 LD_ETC_R1  CP   9
2923            JR   NZ,#294A,LD_ETC_R3  Jump if it isn't a 'Snapshot 128K'.
2925            LD   SP,#3FEA            Use internal stack.
2928            CALL #077F,LBYT          Get the page configuration byte.
292B            PUSH AF
292C            AND  #F8                 Keep the RAM page bits only.
292E            LD   B,#08               LOAD the eight RAM-pages.
2931            PUSH BC
2932            CALL #223F,RAMPAGE_A     Page in RAM bank.
2935            LD   HL,49152            Start address and length of each RAM
2938            LD   DE,16384            bank.
293B            CALL #079E,LOAD_FILE     'LOAD DE bytes to HL'.
293E            POP  BC
293F            POP  AF
2940            INC  A                   Next RAM bank.
2941            DJNZ #2930,LD_ETC_R2     Repeat for each RAM bank.
2943            POP  AF                  Retrieve page configuration.
2944            CALL #223F,RAMPAGE_A     Page in the right RAM, ROM and SCR$
2947            JP   #00B1,SNAP_EXIT     bank, exit via 'SNAP_EXIT'.

294A LD_ETC_R3  CP   11
294C            JR   NZ,#2954,LD_ETC_R4  Jump if it isn't a 'Execute' file.
294E            CALL #3BD6               Execute (this is the address of the
2951            JP   #047C,END           disk buffer). Finished.

2954 LD_ETC_R4  CALL #28CD,LOAD_HEAD2    Load the header into UFIA2.
2957            LD   A,(#3E10)           Fetch type of program to be LOADed.
295A            LD   B,A
295B            LD   A,(#3E29)           Fetch type of program found.
295E            CP   B
295F            JP   NZ,#1654,REP_8      Give an error if they aren't equal.

NOTE: The error 'Invalid FILE NAME' is given, maybe MGT have made a typing error. 'Wrong
FILE type' is the right message.

2962            CP   3
2964            JR   Z,#2974,LD_ETC_R5   Jump if it's a 'CODE' file.
2966            JP   NC,#1654,REP_8      Give error if file type >= 4.
2969            CALL #163A,TEST_6
296C            JR   NZ,#29DF,MERGE_CTRL Jump if 'MERGEing'.
296E            CALL #163F,TEST_7        Jump if not 'VERIFYing' (i.e. doing a
2971            JP   Z,#29FB,LOAD_CTRL   LOAD).

Now deal with loading of all files with type 3, like 'CODE' and 'SCREEN$', or verifying
of all file types.

2974 LD_ETC_R5  CALL #163A,TEST_6
2977            JP   NZ,#1660,REP_14     Give error if 'MERGE .. CODE' was used.
297A            LD   HL,(#3E11)          Fetch length of requested file.
297D            LD   DE,(#3E2A)          Fetch length of file found.
2981            LD   A,H
2982            OR   L
2983            JR   Z,#2992,LD_ETC_R6   Jump if length unspecified.
2985            SBC  HL,DE               Jump if file to be LOADed is shorter
2987            JR   NC,#2992,LD_ETC_R6  than or of equal length as the
                                         requested file.
2989            CALL #1630,TEST_4
298C            JP   Z,#165C,REP_12      'VERIFY failed' if not LOADing.
298F            JP   #1662,REP_15        'CODE error' otherwise.

2992 LD_ETC_R6  LD   HL,(#3E13)          Fetch start address from FILE_ADDR1
2995            LD   A,H
2996            OR   L
2997            JR   NZ,#299C,LD_ETC_R7  Jump if a start address was specified.
2999            LD   HL,(#3E2C)          Otherwise use the start address of the
                                         found file.
299C LD_ETC_R7  LD   A,(#3E29)           But if the file is a BASIC program the
299F            AND  A                   start address is held in (PROG).
29A0            JR   NZ,#29A5,LD_ETC_R8
29A2            LD   HL,(23635)          Fetch 'start' from (PROG).
29A5 LD_ETC_R8  CALL #2A9A,LV_ANY        Load the file.
29A8            CALL #163F,TEST_7
29AB            JP   NZ,#047C,END        Exit when 'VERIFYing'.
29AE            LD   HL,(#3E17)          Fetch execute address.
29B1            CALL #29BD,EXEC_CODE     Use it if it was specified.
29B4            LD   HL,(#3E30)          Otherwise use the files execute
29B7            CALL #29BD,EXEC_CODE     address.
29BA            JP   #047C,END           But if it hasn't one either, exit here.

This routine jumps to the address in the HL register pair (if it is valid) after pushing
the addresses of 'STMT_R_1' and 'STACK_BC'.

29BE            OR   L
29BF            RET  Z                   Return if the execute address is zero.
29C0            LD   A,H
29C1            CP   #FF
29C3            JR   NZ,#29C9,EXEC_C1
29C5            LD   A,L                 Also return when the execute address is
29C6            CP   #FF                 #FFFF.
29C8            RET  Z
29C9 EXEC_C1    LD   SP,(23613)          Clear the stack. (ERR_SP)
29CD            LD   (IY+0),#FF          Clear the error.
29D1            CALL #168E,BORD_REST     Restore the border colour.
29D4            LD   BC,#1B7D,STMT_R_1   Return to 'STMT_R_1' in the 'main' ROM
29D7            PUSH BC                  when finished.
29D8            LD   BC,#2D2B,STACK_BC   Return to 'STMT_R_1' via 'STACK_BC'
29DB            PUSH BC                  also in the 'main' ROM.
29DC            JP   #004F,UNPAGE_HL     Jump to the execute address while
                                         unpaging the +D.

THE 'MERGE CONTROL' ROUTINE This routine handles the MERGEing of a (BASIC) file. No test is made if the file is an array when using the MERGE 'p'n syntax (see NOTE at 'LOAD CONTROL').

29DF MERGE_CTRL LD   BC,(#3E2A)          Fetch the length of the program to be
29E3            PUSH BC                  MERGEd.
29E4            INC  BC                  Extra location for the 'end marker'.
29E5            RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'BC_SPACES' in the 'main' ROM to
29E6            DEFW #0030,BC_SPACES     make the required room in workspace.
29E8            LD   (HL),128            Mark the end.
29EA            EX   DE,HL               Move start pointer to HL.
29EB            POP  DE                  Length to DE.
29EC            PUSH HL
29ED            CALL #2A9A,LV_ANY        Load the file.
29F0            POP  HL                  Fetch 'start' of new program.
29F1            LD   DE,(23635)          Fetch 'start' of old program (PROG).
29F5            RST  #10,CALBAS          Do the MERGEing by calling the 'main'
29F6            DEFW #08D2,ME_NEW_LP     ROM 'MERGE' routine.
29F8            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

This routine handles the LOADing of a BASIC program or an array.
NOTE: The Spectrum will crash when trying to LOAD or MERGE 'p' an array. The problem
starts in the 'HGFLE_2' ('OPEN A FILE FOR LOAD') subroutine in ROM (#0BCF) which is called from
the 'LD_ETC_RUN' routine at #2908. Normally UFIA1 holds the parameters of the existing array (if
present), and UFIA2 holds the parameters of the array to be loaded. But when the 'p' syntax is
used, the 'HGFLE_2' routine makes the contents of UFIA1 equal to UFIA2. The reclaiming at
address #2A32 then fails, trying to reclaim something which isn't there.

29FB LOAD_CTRL  LD   DE,(#3E2A)          Fetch 'new' length.
29FF            LD   HL,(#3E13)          Fetch 'old' start (=0 when loading a
2A02            PUSH HL                  'new' array').
2A03            LD   A,H
2A04            OR   L
2A05            JR   NZ,#2A0D,LOAD_C1    Jump if not a 'new' array.
2A07            INC  DE                  Increment 'length' by 3, i.e. allows
2A08            INC  DE                  for the insertion of array name and
2A09            INC  DE                  two-byte length.
2A0A            EX   DE,HL               Move 'length' to HL.
2A0B            JR   #2A16,LOAD_C2       Jump forward.

The array to be loaded replaces an existing array.

2A0D LOAD_C1    LD   HL,(#3E11)          Fetch 'old' length (i.e. length of
                                         existing program or array) from UFIA1.
2A10            EX   DE,HL               Move 'new' length to HL.
2A11            SCF                      Jump if the program or array to be
2A12            SBC  HL,DE               loaded isn't longer than the existing
2A14            JR   C,#2A1F,LOAD_C3     one.
2A16 LOAD_C2    LD   DE,5                Otherwise a check must be made to
2A19            ADD  HL,DE               ensure that there is sufficient space
2A1A            LD   B,H                 in memory for the program (or array) to
2A1B            LD   C,L                 be loaded.
2A1C            RST  #10,CALBAS          Make the check by calling the 'main'
2A1D            DEFW #1F05,TEST_ROOM     ROM 'TEST_ROOM' subroutine.
2A1F LOAD_C3    POP  HL                  Restore 'old' start (=0 when handling
2A20            LD   A,(#3E29)           a 'new' array).
2A23            AND  A
2A24            JR   Z,#2A57,LD_PROG     Jump if it's a BASIC program.
2A26            LD   A,H
2A27            OR   L                   Jump unless an 'old' array is to be
2A28            JR   Z,#2A35,LOAD_C4     erased before loading the 'new' one.
2A2A            DEC  HL                  Points to high byte of 'array length'.
2A2B            LD   B,(HL)              Fetch the 'length'.
2A2C            DEC  HL
2A2D            LD   C,(HL)
2A2E            DEC  HL                  Now points to the 'array name'.
2A2F            INC  BC                  Include 'length' and 'name' in the
2A30            INC  BC                  array length.
2A31            INC  BC
2A32            RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'RECLAIM_2' in the 'main' ROM to
2A33            DEFW #19E8,RECLAIM_2     delete the array.
2A35 LOAD_C4    LD   HL,(23641)          (E_LINE) points to the end of variables
2A38            DEC  HL                  area+1.
2A39            LD   BC,(#3E2A)          Fetch length of array to be loaded.
2A3D            PUSH BC
2A3E            INC  BC                  Include in the length one byte for the
2A3F            INC  BC                  'array name' and two bytes for the
2A40            INC  BC                  'array length'.
2A41            LD   A,(#3E15)           Fetch the array name from 'LENGTH1_2'.
2A44            PUSH AF
2A45            RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'MAKE_ROOM' to create the space
2A46            DEFW #1655,MAKE_ROOM     for the array.
2A48            INC  HL                  Point to first 'new' location inserted.
2A49            POP  AF
2A4A            LD   (HL),A              Store array name into first location.
2A4B            POP  DE
2A4C            INC  HL                  Store array length into the following
2A4D            LD   (HL),E              two locations.
2A4E            INC  HL
2A4F            LD   (HL),D
2A50            INC  HL
2A51            CALL #2A9A,LV_ANY        Load the file.
2A54            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

Now deal with the LOADing of a BASIC program and its variables.

2A57 LD_PROG    LD   DE,(23635)          Fetch start of existing program. (PROG)
2A5B            LD   HL,(23641)          Fetch end of existing program. I.e.
2A5E            DEC  HL                  (E_LINE)-1.
2A5F            RST  #10,CALBAS          Delete the program by calling
2A60            DEFW #19E5,RECLAIM_1     'RECLAIM_1' in the 'main' ROM.
2A62            LD   BC,(#3E2A)          Fetch length of program and variables.
2A66            LD   HL,(23635)          Fetch (PROG), start of a BASIC program.
2A69            RST  #10,CALBAS          Create the required space by calling
2A6A            DEFW #1655,MAKE_ROOM     'MAKE_ROOM'.
2A6C            INC  HL                  Point to the first location.
2A6D            LD   BC,(#3E2E)          Fetch length without variables.
2A71            ADD  HL,BC               Calculate and store the start of the
2A72            LD   (23627),HL          variables area.
2A75            LD   A,(#3E31)           When no autostart is known this
2A78            LD   H,A                 ('AUTOSTART2-hi') holds #FF.
2A79            AND  #C0
2A7B            JR   NZ,#2A88,LD_PROG1   Jump with no autostart.
2A7D            LD   A,(#3E30)           Otherwise store the autostart line
2A80            LD   L,A                 number into 'NEWPPC' and clear 'NSPPC'.
2A81            LD   (23618),HL          These hold the line and the statement
2A84            LD   (IY+10),#00         to be executed respectively.
2A88 LD_PROG1   LD   HL,(23635)          Fetch the start of the BASIC program.
2A8B            LD   DE,(#3E2A)          Fetch the length + variables.
2A8F            DEC  HL                  Reset the DATA pointer 'DATADD' to the
2A90            LD   (23639),HL          beginning of the program.
2A93            INC  HL                  Balance the 'DEC HL'.
2A94            CALL #2A9A,LV_ANY        Load the file.
2A97            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

This subroutine is used to LOAD or VERIFY (signalled by FLAGS3) a block of bytes. It
must be entered with HL and DE holding 'start' and 'length'.

2A9A LV_ANY     LD   A,D
2A9B            OR   E
2A9C            RET  Z                   Return if 'length' is zero.
2A9D            CALL #163F,TEST_7
2AA0            JR   NZ,#2AAE,LV_ANY3    Jump if 'VERIFYing'.
2AA2            JP   #079E,LOAD_FILE     Otherwise load the file.

2AA5 LV_ANY1    CP   (HL)                The actual VERIFY, i.e. compare the
                                         fetched byte with that held in memory.
2AA6            JP   NZ,#165C,REP_12     Give an error if they don't match.
2AA9 LV_ANY2    INC  HL                  Next memory address.
2AAA            DEC  DE                  One byte less to go.
2AAB            LD   A,D
2AAC            OR   E
2AAD            RET  Z                   Exit if no more bytes left.
2AAE LV_ANY3    CALL #077F,LBYT          Load one byte.
2AB1            CALL #163F,TEST_7
2AB4            JR   NZ,#2AA5,LV_ANY1    Jump if VERIFYing.
2AB6            LD   (HL),A              Otherwise store the byte.
2AB7            JR   #2AA9,LV_ANY2       Repeat for all bytes.

This routine tests if the command has the appropriate syntax.

2AB9 FORMAT     RST  #28,NEXT_C          Advance CH_ADD to next character.
2ABA            AND  #DF                 Only capitals.
2ABC            CP   68,"D"
2ABE            JP   NZ,#1644,REP_0      Give an error if not a "D".
2AC1            RST  #28,NEXT_C          Next character.
2AC2            CALL #25FA,EXPT_DEVN2    Evaluate the drive number.
2AC5            CP   204,"TO"            Jump if the current character isn't
2AC7            JR   NZ,#2AD3,FORMAT_1   'TO'.
2AC9            CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange UFIA1 and UFIA2.
2ACC            RST  #28,NEXT_C          Update CH_ADD.
2ACD            CALL #25FA,EXPT_DEVN2    Evaluate 2nd drive number.
2AD0            CALL #2626,SWAP_UFIAS    Exchange UFIA's again.
2AD3 FORMAT_1   CALL #3148,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit when
                                         syntax checking.
2AD6            CALL #0702,TEST_DRV      Check if the drive is defined.
2AD9            RST  #10,CALBAS
2ADA            DEFW #0D6E,CLS_LOWER     Clear lower screen area.
2ADC            SET  5,(IY+2)            Signal 'lower screen has to be
2AE0            CALL #180C,MESG_2        Print 'Are you SURE ? (y/n)' message.
2AE3            CALL #0B60,TEST_Y        Wait for a key, Zero set means 'Y'
2AE6            JP   NZ,#047C,END        pressed. Finished when not sure.
2AE9            CALL #0C2B,FORMAT_RUN    Otherwise FORMAT the disk.
2AEC            JP   #047C,END           Finished.

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