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The stream handling routines II

Before the routine continues there are first some 'leftovers' from System 3c.

1374            ADD  HL,DE
1375            EX   DE,HL
1376            LD   HL,(#1E1E)
1379            LD   BC,#001E
137C            ADD  HL,BC
137D            LD   BC,#0009
1380            LDIR
1382            LD   HL,#1FEA
1385            LD   BC,#0016
1388            LDIR

Now continue with the 'OPEN a temporary "D" channel' routine.

138C            POP  DE                  Start of channel to DE.
138D            LD   HL,#13B9,D_CH_DATA  Start of the "D" channel data.
1390            LD   BC,11               Copy the 11 bytes channel data to the
1393            LDIR                     channel area.
1395            PUSH IX                  Start of channel to HL.
1397            POP  HL
1398            LD   DE,(23631)          HL-(CHANS)+1 gives the required 'stream
139C            OR   A                   offset'.
139D            SBC  HL,DE
139F            INC  HL
13A0            RET                      Finished.

This small subroutine creates room for a channel at the end of the CHANS area (i.e.
just before the BASIC program).

13A1 CHAN_SPC   LD   (#13C2),BC          Store the length of the channel into
                                         the "D" channel data table.
13A5            LD   HL,(23635)          Fetch the start address of the channel
13A8            DEC  HL                  ((PROG)-1).
13A9            PUSH HL
13AA            PUSH BC
13AB            RST  #10,CALBAS          Create the required space by calling
13AC            DEFW #1655,MAKE_ROOM     'main' ROM 'MAKE_ROOM'.
13AE            POP  BC
13AF            POP  HL                  Clear the created space.
13B0 CHAN_SPC1  LD   (HL),0
13B2            INC  HL
13B3            DEC  BC
13B4            LD   A,B
13B5            OR   C
13B6            JR   NZ,#13B0,CHAN_SPC1
13B8            RET

The '11' bytes that compose the initial part of a "D" channel are as follows:

13B9 D_CH_DATA  DEFW #0008               Main ROM 'output' routine.
13BB            DEFW #0008               Main ROM 'input' routine.
13BD            DEFB "D"+128             Channel specifier.
13BE            DEFW #150D               DISCiPLE system 'output' routine.
13C0            DEFW #148A               DISCiPLE system 'input' routine.
13C2            DEFW 551                 Length of a (read) channel.

Unlike the Interface 1 and the Opus Discovery, the DISCiPLE doesn't page-in in the
middle of the 'main' ROM 'CLOSE' routine. But because the 'main' ROM routine can't
cope with DISCiPLE channels a 'CLOSE' for those channels has to be available. In order
to fail the normal syntax, 'CLOSE #*s' has to be used. The 'CLOSE #*' command closes
all streams.

13C4 CLOSE#     RST  #28,NEXT_C_RAM      Next character.
13C5            CP   "*"
13C7            JP   NZ,#2920,REP_0      Give an error if it isn't a '*'.
13CA            RST  #28,NEXT_C_RAM      Next character.
13CB            CP   13
13CD            JR   Z,#13E2,CLOSE_#*    Jump if statement ended with ENTER.
13CF            CP   ":"
13D1            JR   Z,#13E2,CLOSE_#*    Also if statement ended with a ':'.
13D3            CALL #109E,EXPT_#_NR1    Evaluate stream number.
13D6            CALL #0409,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit when
                                         syntax checking.
13D9            LD   A,(#1E03)           Fetch stream number.
13DC            CALL #140C,CLOSE_STRM    Close the stream.
13DF            JP   #0419,END           Finished.

13E2 CLOSE_#*   CALL #0409,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit if
13E5            JR   #13F4,CLEAR#_R1     syntax checking. Jump into the CLEAR#

All streams are closed in turn, with bit 1 of FLAGS3 set to signal that the remaining
buffer contents are to be erased (with the 'CLOSE #*' command all buffers are emptied,
i.e. their contents are sent to the corresponding device).

13E7 CLEAR#     RST  #28,NEXT_C_RAM      Advance CH_ADD.
13E8            CP   "#"
13EA            JP   NZ,#2920,REP_0      Give an error if it isn't a '#'.
13ED            RST  #28,NEXT_C_RAM
13EE            CALL #0409,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit
                                         during syntax checking.
13F1            CALL #09D3,SIGN_SERV     Signal 'CLEAR #'.
13F4 CLEAR#_R1  XOR  A                   Start with stream 0.
13F6            CALL #140C,CLOSE_STRM    Close this stream.
13F9            POP  AF
13FA            INC  A                   Next stream.
13FB            CP   16                  Repeat until all streams 0..15 have
13FD            JR   C,#13F5,CLEAR#_R2   been CLOSEd.
13FF            CALL #11D6,RECL_TEMP     Reclaim temporary channels.
1402            XOR  A
1403            LD   (#1DEF),A           Clear 'MAP_USED' (=POKE @6999,0).
1406            LD   (#1ACF),A           Clear FLAGS3.
1409            JP   #0419,END           Finished.

Any stream 0 to 15 may be CLOSEd by loading the stream number into A and then calling
this subroutine. The unsent bytes in 'OUTput' files are sent or lost depending upon
whether bit 1 of FLAGS3 is reset or set. First a call to 'STR_DATA1' in the 'main' ROM
is made to fetch into BC the 'stream data' for the given stream, and to make HL point to
the first of the two data bytes.

140C CLOSE_STRM RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'STR_DATA1'.
140D            DEFW #1727,STR_DATA1
140F            LD   A,C
1410            OR   B                   Return if the stream is already CLOSEd
1411            RET  Z                   (i.e. stream data = 0).
1412            LD   (#1DED),BC          Store stream data.
1416            PUSH HL
1417            LD   HL,(23631)          Make HL point to the start of the
141A            DEC  HL                  channel attached to the stream to be
141B            ADD  HL,BC               CLOSEd ((CHANS)+'stream data').
141C            EX   (SP),HL             HL now holds the address of the stream
141D            RST  #10,CALBAS          A call in the middle of the 'main' ROM
141E            DEFW #16EB,CLOSE_0       'CLOSE' routine is made to update STRMS
1420            POP  IX                  IX points to the start of the channel
1422            LD   A,B                 to be removed.
1423            OR   C
1424            RET  NZ                  Exit if the stream is one of 0 to 3.

NOTE: Because this test tests for streams a disk channel attached to one of the
streams 0..3 can never be CLOSEd. If the test was made for 'standard' channels it had
been possible to use streams 0..3 with "D" channels.

1425            LD   A,(IX+4)            Fetch channel specifier.
1428            AND  #5F                 Clear bit 7 (temporary) and make
142A            CP   "D"
142C            JR   NZ,#143C,CLOSE_1    Jump if it isn't a "D" channel.
142E CLOSE_0    BIT  0,(IX+12)
1432            JR   Z,#143C,CLOSE_1     Jump if it is an 'INput' channel.
1434            CALL #09FB,TEST_SERV     Jump if doing a 'CLEAR #', i.e. just
1437            JR   NZ,#143C,CLOSE_1    remove the channel.
1439            CALL #15ED,CL_PATCH      Empty the buffer.
143C CLOSE_1    CALL #114C,RECL_CHAN     Reclaim the channel.

Now all data refering to the stream attached to the channels moved down are updated.

143F            XOR  A                   Start with stream 0.
1440            LD   HL,23574            Address of data for stream 0.
1443 CLOSE_2    LD   (#1AC8),HL          Use 'FILE_ADDR' as a temporary storage.
1446            LD   E,(HL)              Fetch stream data.
1447            INC  HL
1448            LD   D,(HL)
1449            LD   HL,(#1DED)          Fetch stream data for CLOSEd stream.
144C            AND  A                   Jump if the stream data found is lower
144D            SBC  HL,DE               than that of the CLOSEd stream (i.e.
144F            JR   NC,#145C,CLOSE_3    channel has not been moved).
1451            EX   DE,HL               Fetched stream data to HL.
1452            AND  A
1453            SBC  HL,BC               Calculate the new stream data.
1455            EX   DE,HL               New stream data to DE.
1456            LD   HL,(#1AC8)          Restore stream data address.
1459            LD   (HL),E              Store new stream data.
145A            INC  HL
145B            LD   (HL),D
145C CLOSE_3    LD   HL,(#1AC8)          Make HL point to next stream data.
145F            INC  HL
1460            INC  HL
1461            INC  A                   Increment stream number.
1462            CP   16
1464            JR   C,#1443,CLOSE_2     Repeat for all streams 0..15.
1466            RET                      Finished.

The 'CLS #' command resets during runtime the Spectrum system variables ATTR_P, ATTR_T,
MASK_P, MASK_T, P_FLAG and BORDCR. I.e. all these variables are filled with their
'initial' values (paper 7, ink 0, flash 0 and bright 0).

1467 CLS#       RST  #28,NEXT_C_RAM      Next character.
1468            CP   "#"
146A            JP   NZ,#2920,REP_0      Give error if it isn't a '#'.
146D            RST  #28,NEXT_C_RAM      Next character.
146E            CALL #0409,ST_END_RAM    Confirm end of statement and exit
                                         during syntax checking.
1471            LD   HL,56               The 'initial' attribute value.
1474            LD   (23693),HL          Store 56 into ATTR_P, clear MASK_P.
1477            LD   (23695),HL          Store 56 into ATTR_T, clear MASK_T.
147A            LD   (IY+14),L           Store 56 also for lower screen
147D            LD   (IY+87),H           Clear P_FLAG.
1480            LD   A,7                 Set white border.
1482            OUT  (254),A
1484            RST  #10,CALBAS          Call 'main' ROM 'CLS' routine.
1485            DEFW #0D6B,CLS
1487            JP   #0419,END           Finished.

This is a peculiar routine, although the DISCiPLE supports only one type of channel
(the "D" channel), this routine can handle all kinds of channels by loading HL with the
address of the 'service' input routine and entering at address #1491. From that address
on it's largely the same as the Interface 1 'CALL_INP' routine, which routine handles
all the IF1's channels.

148A D_INPUT    LD   IX,(23633)          IX points to the start of the current
                                         channel (CURCHL).
148E            LD   HL,#14DC,DCHAN_IN   Address of "D" input service routine.
1491            RES  3,(IY+2)            Signal 'the mode is to be considered as
                                         being unchanged'.
1495            PUSH HL                  Store address of service routine.
1496            LD   HL,(23613)          HL points to error address (ERR_SP).
1499            LD   E,(HL)              Fetch the error address.
149A            INC  HL
149B            LD   D,(HL)
149C            AND  A
149D            LD   HL,#107F,ED_ERROR   If the error address is 'ED_ERROR'
14A0            SBC  HL,DE               ('main' ROM) then an INPUT command was
14A2            JR   NZ,#14CB,D_INKEY$   used. Jump if unequal to 'ED_ERROR'.

Now deal with an 'INPUT #' command referred to a "D" channel.

14A4            POP  HL                  Restore address of service routine.
14A5            LD   SP,(23613)          Clear the machine stack (ERR_SP).
14A9            POP  DE                  Remove 'ED_ERROR'.
14AA            POP  DE
14AB            LD   (23613),DE          Restore the old value of ERR_SP.
14AF D_INPUT1   PUSH HL                  Store address of service routine.
14B0            LD   DE,#14B5,D_INP_END  Return address is 'D_INP_END' below.
14B3            PUSH DE
14B4            JP   (HL)                Jump to the service routine.

When the byte has been read from the required channel, a return is made here to add the
byte to the INPUT line, or to return if the byte is equal to CHR$ 13, i.e. ENTER.

14B5 D_INP_END  JR   C,#14BD,D_INP_ACC   Jump with acceptable codes.
14B7            JP   NZ,#2956,REP_27     Give the 'END of file' error when the
                                         Zero flag is reset.
14BA            POP  HL                  Otherwise restore address of service
14BB            JR   #14AF,D_INPUT1      routine and try again.

14BD D_INP_ACC  CP   13
14BF            JR   Z,#14C7,D_INPUT2    Jump if the code is ENTER.
14C1            RST  #10,CALBAS          Otherwise the byte is to be added to
14C2            DEFW #0F85,ADD_CHAR0     the INPUT line. This is done by calling
                                         into the 'ADD_CHAR' subroutine.
14C4            POP  HL                  Restore address of service routine and
14C5            JR   #14AF,D_INPUT1      read the next byte.

14C7 D_INPUT2   POP  HL                  Drop the address of the service routine
14C8            JP   #0050,UNPAGE_1      and page-out the DISCiPLE system.

Now deal with the reading of a single byte.

14CB D_INKEY$   POP  HL                  Restore address of the servce routine.
14CC            LD   DE,#14D1,D_INK$_END Return address is 'D_INK$_END' below.
14CF            PUSH DE
14D0            JP   (HL)                Jump to the service routine.

14D1 D_INK$_END RET  C                   Return with acceptable codes or
14D2            RET  Z                   with no byte read.
14D3            CALL #0A00,TEST_STEAL    Give the 'END of file' error if not
14D6            JP   Z,#2956,REP_27      executing a 'MOVE' command.
14D9            OR   1                   Otherwise return with Zero and Carry
14DB            RET                      flags both reset.

This is the actual input a byte from disk routine. The byte is read from the data buffer
in the channel, when it is empty the next sector is read from disk (provided that the
'current' data block is not the EOF one) before reading the byte.

14DC DCHAN_IN   BIT  0,(IX+12)           Give 'Reading a WRITE file' error if
14E0            JP   NZ,#2944,REP_18     it's an OUTput channel.
14E3            LD   A,(IX+31)           Decrease LSB of file length.
14E6            SUB  1
14E8            LD   (IX+31),A
14EB            JR   NC,#1505,DCHAN_IN1  Jump if more bytes left.
14ED            LD   A,(IX+32)           Decrease MID byte of file length.
14F0            SUB  1
14F2            LD   (IX+32),A
14F5            JR   NC,#1505,DCHAN_IN1  Jump if more bytes left.
14F7            LD   A,(IX+18)           Decrease MSB of file length.
14FA            SUB  1
14FC            LD   (IX+18),A
14FF            JR   NC,#1505,DCHAN_IN1  Jump if more bytes left.
1501            XOR  A                   Otherwise EOF has been reached, so
                                         reset Zero and Carry flag to signal
                                         'End Of File'.
1502            ADD  A,13                The return byte is 13.
1504            RET                      Finished.

NOTE: This 'end of file' test works only once, if an attempt is made to read more bytes
after the 'End of FILE' message has been given a crash will almost certainly follow.

1505 DCHAN_IN1  CALL #29A2,JLBYT         Load one byte, read a new sector from
                                         disk when the buffer is empty.
1508            CALL #297B,JBORD_REST    Restore border colour.
150B            SCF                      Signal 'acceptable code'.
150C            RET

The routine which handles "D" channel output is quite short. It SAVEs the byte in the
A register to disk by calling the ROM 'JSBYT' routine, which handles the saving of the
byte. The only thing done here is incrementing the file length bytes.

150D DCHAN_OUT  LD   IX,(23633)          IX point to current channel (CURCHL).
1511            BIT  0,(IX+12)           Give 'Writing a READ file' error if
1515            JP   Z,#2946,REP_19      it's an INput channel.
1518            CALL #29C3,JSBYT         Save the byte in the A register.
151B            CALL #297B,JBORD_REST    Restore the border colour.
151E            NOP
151F            NOP
1520            NOP
1521            NOP
1522            PUSH IX
1524            LD   BC,229
1527            ADD  IX,BC               IX now points to the file header.
1529            INC  (IX+2)              Update file length, skip higher bytes
152C            JR   NZ,#1536,DCHAN_OUT1 if it isn't necessary to update them.
152E            INC  (IX+3)
1531            JR   NZ,#1536,DCHAN_OUT1
1533            INC  (IX+0)
1538            RET                      Finished.
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